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Sobre mim
Daniel Viana Alencar
Intérprete consecutivo/Medical
Daniel Viana Alencar, also known as 'Lion Danny' for his artistic name, is a Consecutive Interpreter and Multimedia Abstract Artist born in Aruba.
Daniel spent half of his life living in Aruba and The Netherlands, where he learned and acquired proficiency in multiple languages.
Throughout his life, Daniel dedicated most of his time to learning several disciplines in Arts such as graphical design, abstract art, artistic video & photo editing, web design and lyrical composition.
Medical interpretation was a stumble-upon for him, who had only experimented with languages and worked in environments where the language was taught; not interpreted. Interpretation however, became something more than a job, as he started to work mainly in the medical area but not limited to the same; With environments such as: Medical, Social & Governmental, Daniel found himself working with a plethora of citizens and authorities from multiple counties in the world, where he recognized the necessity and the overall importance of the role of an interpreter: Helping People.